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Common bird's-foot-trefoil - Lotus corniculatus

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1-jan - 31-dec
375 Stuks / Pièces / Stück
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Common bird's-foot-trefoil - Lotus corniculatus
Common bird's-foot-trefoil - Lotus corniculatus
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Product description

Common bird's-foot-trefoil - Lotus corniculatus. A native of Holland. Also known as the "common bird' s-foot trefoil, eggs and bacon, birds' foot deervetch, and just bird' s-foot trefoil". Grows preferably in grasslands and dunes that are not too strongly fertilized. Is an excellent soil improver and green manure because it binds a lot of nitrogen from the air. Wonderful host and nectar plant for butterflies and other insects. The flower bud starts out red but eventually blooms with beautiful bright yellow flowers. Once the seeds are ripe, they are often shot very far away by the plant.


Delivery time

The delivery dates stated on our website are based on deliveries within the Netherlands. For orders from abroad, delivery may take a few days longer.

Delivery time1 day
CategoryMeadow flowers seeds
EAN Code8711441169301
Product codeSL6930
Unit375 Seeds
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