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Common Marsh mallow - Althaea officinalis

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1-jan - 31-dec
180 Stuks / Pièces / Stück
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Common Marsh mallow - Althaea officinalis
Common Marsh mallow - Althaea officinalis
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Product description

A native of Holland. This is also called "Marshmallow". Marshmallow thrives in rich and moist soil, such as the sides of ditches and rugged areas, such as along the IJsselmeer. The flowers are edible, for example, in salads. The herbaceous perennial plant grows quite tall, so trim or tie up in time. Beautiful white/soft pink flowers (hence Marshmallow) on stately stems. Very attractive to bees and other insects.


Delivery time

The delivery dates stated on our website are based on deliveries within the Netherlands. For orders from abroad, delivery may take a few days longer.

Delivery time1 day
CategoryWild Flower Mix
EAN Code8711441169059
Product codeSL6905
Unit180 Seeds
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