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Common winter-cress

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1-jan - 12-mrt
325 Stuks / Pièces / Stück
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Common winter-cress
Common winter-cress
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Product description

A native of Holland. Herb Barbara (bittercress or rocket cress) has beautiful bright yellow flowers and grows best in moist, moderately nutrient-rich soil. The leaves are edible and contain vitamin C. It is an excellent gestation plant for bees and provides nectar and pollen from early spring. The early western honeybees and Andrena bees (commonly called the mining bee) love this plant. Herb Barbara is also a host plant for butterflies, especially the green-veined white, small white and cabbage white.


Delivery time

The delivery dates stated on our website are based on deliveries within the Netherlands. For orders from abroad, delivery may take a few days longer.

Delivery time1 day
CategoryMeadow flowers seeds
EAN Code8711441169103
Product codeSL6910
Unit325 Seeds
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