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Apple trees

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Apple Tree for Sale Online UK

Apple trees are for sale online in the UK via our webshop. The Apple tree (Malus domestica or Malus pumila), is a much-loved fruit tree and also one of the most planted fruit trees in English gardens. Nothing is more satisfying than harvesting juicy, healthy apples from your very own fruit garden. Apples are very versatile in the kitchen. This fruit can be used in sweet recipes, like apple pie and crumble. Applesauce is also very easy to make and delicious to eat with meats and vegetables. During spring a tree in full bloom is a beautiful sight to see. And they also look pretty as the leaves turn in autumn. An apple tree can grow quite whimsically, but the branches can also be lead easily. They look stunning growing in the middle of lawns or guided along a garden wall.

Apple Tree Pruning

Pruning apple trees is important, not only to maintain its shape, but also to get an optimum yield of fruit. Pruning is best done in the winter months. Apple trees come in many different shapes and sizes. Standard, semi-dwarf or dwarf varieties. You also need to decide if you wish to grow sweet or sour apples. Think carefully about what kind and type of tree you want in your garden. Gala, Braeburn and Golden Delicious are real classics in our English gardens. And tasty too!

Tip: Look for more apple trees nearby because they need to be pollinated by bees to yield fruit. Buy your apple tree online in our webshop.

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